What now? My adolescent has a sweat place ...

Wat nu? Mijn puber heeft een zweetplek…

This afternoon I saw it for the first time. My 13 year old son came from school. I walked on him to give him a hug, even though he finds that terrible. But when I embraced him, I saw a sweat place under his armpit.

How do I help him?

He just continued with his afternoon, but I remained tangled. Confused, because what can I do? He is puber, hormones are still new and his body is full in development. Sweating is also something new, insurmountable and of course. But in the bridging class with sweat places in your shirt, you wish no one. Life as a puber has enough challenges.

Deo is cool, but does not prevent wet spots.

Last year he bought his first Deo. To be honest, I am happy that the marketing is so tough. Deo is just cool and you can go to it completely full of spraying. But unfortunately Deo cannot prevent my son from sitting in class with wet places under his armpits.

I didn't know it existed.

That confused afternoon ended with a surprise. I didn't know what I could do to help my son. But the internet brought me on a new track. I discovered an anti-sweat t-shirt. I had never heard of it. If this works, he no longer has a sweat places.

Yes, this anti-sweat T-shirt works

I found such a shirt in the webshop confideceforal.com And just bought one to try it out. I packed it as a gift for my son and he liked it to get it. The next day he recruited it. He came home and said: Hey Ma, this works! The Anti-Sweat Shirt


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